Ahmet Celik

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Visiting PhD Student
Email: acelik@mit.edu

Ahmet Celik completed his Master’s in Chemical & Process Engineering in November 2021 at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany. During his studies, he completed an internship abroad at BASF, Antwerp, Belgium, as well as a semester abroad at the Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), the latter supported by a scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Specialized in reaction engineering, heterogeneous catalysis and thermal separation processes, he wrote his Master's thesis on the catalytic oxidative coupling of methane in the group of Prof. Olaf Deutschmann (KIT). He has been a junior scientist and PhD student in the same group since January 2022, working on thermal pyrolysis processes for carbon fixation and the production of climate-friendly hydrogen. For his research, which ranges from reaction engineering and mechanistic investigations to process simulations and techno-economic studies, he was honored with the Young Talent Award by German Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology (DECHEMA) in 2024. He joined the Green Group as a visiting PhD student in August 2024, where he will work on RMG-generated reaction mechanisms for the thermal pyrolysis of renewable feedstocks such as biogas.